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About Art Therapy


Art therapy suits especially well for people who would like an alternative therapy model to talking therapies. Art therapist might integrate cognitive and behaviour modification models in the session but it might be that the session is all about sensory kinetic exploration, aiming for better mental and physical wellbeing, and enjoyment of creating. The client engages not only with the therapist but also with and through the art work they are creating. In talking therapy there is two entities, the client and the therapist, whereas in art therapy there is three entities: the client, their art work and the therapist.


"Art therapy is based on the idea that the creative process of art therapy facilitates the reparation and recovery and is a form of nonverbal communication of thoughts and feelings. [...] It is an approach that can help individuals of all ages create meaning and achieve insight, find relief from overwhelming emotions or trauma, resolve conflicts and problems, enrich daily life, and achieve an increased sense of wellbeing." - Cathy A. Malchiodi, Handbook of Art Therapy, 2012, p 1.


Here is a link to the Australian peak association ANZACATA’s list of registered art therapists in Australia.



Please follow this link for further information about art therapy from the British Association of Art Therapists:


I also provide Clay Field Therapy to adults and children. Here is a link to Work at the Clay Field ® You just need to scroll down the page first:

“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am, I am, I am.”

- Sylvia Plath

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